Dear Alexander Graf,
thank you for contacting me.
I hope that I am right when I understand your below email as a complaint that we have not contacted you before organizing
this event.

First of all, we understand our event not as an official QEMU event nor have we stated this anywhere or that that we are the
owners of QEMU.

Let me explain about the background of the Workshop.
We as QEMU users, occasionally meet other QEMU users at conferences and we observed that the number was significantly growing during the last years (thanks to the excellent work of the developers). We googled for any contacts to other QEMU users and did neither found any workshop nor any mailing list or anything similar we could contact. The only thing we found as a main contact was Fabrice Bellard and a huge set of developers (~3000). We saw Fabrice Bellard as the "owner" and contacted him. Unfortunately
he rejected as he has no longer interest in QEMU.

As we did not find any current "leader" or dedicated leading group beyond the web site, we decided to move on since we were interested to get the QEMU users together to join efforts and exchange ideas and developments (The alternative would have been to contact all over 3000 QEMU developers and to discuss with them the organization of such a event. However, from the first idea to the possibility to get it accepted in the framework of the DATE conference were very few weeks so that we did not see it as a viable

I now understand that we obviously missed your role in that community as the leader or one of the leaders and as the community or part of the community. Therefore, we apologize that we did not contact you or

However, currently though already very late, we could offer you that you can join and and we can list you as a third organizer. But you have to make an immediate decision as the DATE program will go to print in about 10 days. Otherwise you will be only
listed on the web.

Additionally, we are still looking for a person who is giving a general 45-minute QEMU tutorial/overview. As we were enforce by the hosting DATE conference to put a name there, please just take it as a placeholder for the worst case that we do not find anybody else.
Are you interested or anybody from

Finally, I actually do not share your concerns that people register to get more information "about command line switches to virtualize on x86 hardware". I really would expect that people read the programme before they register. However, maybe you know the community
better than I do.

For the future, we are currently not planning a second Users' Forum and we are open to forward the organization of a second workshop
to anybody else.

Why don't you simply take this event as a first trigger to organize an QEMU conference for Developers and users. We can help you by forwarding the email addresses of some of the people. I can also help you if you want. This can be the start of a real great effort with huge benefit to the community.


On 23.11.2010 12:25, Alexander Graf wrote:

On 19.10.2010, at 15:42, Wolfgang Mueller wrote:

               Call for Presentations
          1st International QEMU Users Forum

          March 18th, 2011, Grenoble, France

Extended abstract Nov 28th, 2010
Notification of acceptanceNov 30th, 2010

While I appreciate your efforts to organize this event, I would have preferred to see some coordination with the Qemu community before simply announcing an "official" Qemu event.

From what I gathered on your preliminary schedule (, the main focus of this event is SystemC integration. I'm not sure this is what I would call a "Users Forum". It sounds more like a want-to-be developer meeting to discuss integration aspects of other projects with Qemu.

This too is a noble goal, but from the announcement you might end up getting real end-users come to this event and be very disappointed, because they would like to hear about command line switches to virtualize on x86 hardware.

So in general, I would really like to see you coordinate better with qemu-devel before announcing something that could potentially work out bad for Qemu's reputation, even if it's meant with good intentions.

Thank You,


-- wolfgang
Wolfgang Mueller
Paderborn University/C-LAB, Fuerstenallee 11,  33098 Paderborn, Germany
Phone:(++)49-5251.60.6134                       Fax:(++)49-5251.60.6065
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