
On 25.11.2010, at 15:54, wolfgang mueller wrote:

> Alexander,
> the people we are addressing and we would like to bring together is from the 
> QEMU emulation community.
> We are interested in running different ISAs mainly under Linux and Windows 
> versions. There is a huge additional

You're about the first person in 1/2 year that actually said you care about 
Windows hosts. Windows support for example is currently on the verge of getting 
deprecated, because we're lacking a maintainer.

> interest from industry for this part to QEMU for embedded systems/SW 
> development. The focus we have chosen
> for the DATE conference is SystemC integration with QEMU emulation since the 
> embedded systems and SystemC
> community meets at DATE so that we expect several people from them to attend. 
> However, as already written, we
> basically failed to find any indication for contact point for the emulation 
> community. Any pointers are highly appreciated.

What audience and talks do you expect to receive? I'm still trying to get a 
full picture on what topics people would be interested in the most.

The main contact point for any qemu discussions is the qemu-devel mailing list. 
We're a community, so these things should happen as open as possible.

> Virtualization  is not of any interest in that workshop as there if course 
> already exists the KVM forum you refered to.
> I understood from the available information and contacts that there is a 
> common consensus that the QEMU
> virtualization community is denoted as "KVM community" and not as "QEMU 
> community" which also brings the
> difference to the point, right? My understanding so far is that "QEMU 
> community" refers mainly to the software emulation
> people part.

It's very hard to draw a clean line. A lot of people from the "KVM community" 
are active maintainers of several layers in qemu these days. For example the 
block layer, PCI devices, PowerPC. The communities are merging. In the 
mid-term, there shouldn't even be a qemu-kvm fork of qemu anymore. Everybody 
who does device emulation would just work on upstream qemu, regardless of the 
intents. The same is happening for the Xen folks too btw. They're slowly moving 
back towards upstream qemu as well.

> PS: I have no idea about the number of people who are on the 
> qemu-devel@nongnu.org list we are cc'ing.
> I hope there are not too many and that they are interested in our 
> communication. Otherwise, I apologize.

As long as you stick to inline answers and don't top post, I think they'll be 
very interested in reading this. By CC'ing qemu-devel we're making sure the 
right people get to read this. I'd assume the major reason we haven't had too 
many people jump into the discussion as well is because they're all eating 
turkeys atm :).

So according to my calendar, I should be free on that week. So if you're eager 
to have a keynote/session from "upstream qemu folks", I'd certainly be 
interested in doing this. Getting people to contribute back would be so 
awesome. I'm still getting sad to see qemu getting forked so often (android, 
vbox, ...).

If however, we find a better candidate (ideas, suggestions anyone?) to give a 
general session, I'll gladly step back.

The one thing I am not willing to do however, is to pay a 400 € registration 
fee to have the honor of giving a talk. That just doesn't seem right to me.


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