Hi Jürgen,

Am Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013, 08.38:38 schrieb Jürgen E. Fischer:
> On Tue, 09. Jul 2013 at 22:55:18 +0200, Pirmin Kalberer wrote:
> > Toolbars:
> > -Turn off Advanced Digitizing
> > -Move Label to second row
> > 
> > Panels:
> > -Turn on Layer order and Browser in a tabbed view with Layers
> > 
> > Print composer:
> > -Place all toolbars in one row
> In case anyone missed it:  scripts/mkuidefaults.py produces
> src/app/ui_defaults.h from the current settings.

Didn't know that. Updated the script to support composer UI defaults.

> So updating it should be easy, once it's decides what should be the default.
> Not sure if the data contains pixel coordinates and if the screen resolution
> might therefore be an issue...

Let's try: https://github.com/qgis/Quantum-GIS/pull/710


Pirmin Kalberer
Sourcepole  -  Linux & Open Source Solutions

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