
> On 2 Aug 2019, at 05:45, Paolo Cavallini <cavall...@faunalia.it> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm often unhappy when I'm right.

In which particular aspect are you right?

> Although the practical impact this time is low, I would take this as a clear 
> signal (after the loomio move, and I expect more) that we have to change our 
> strategy,
> keeping our infrastructure as simple as possible and avoiding wherever 
> possible to rely on proprietary, non free, stuff.

Loomio is FOSS and we benefited from free hosting. We could have hosted it 
ourselves but we chose to not divert our minimal free time to managing more 
infrastructure. I think it is normal in life that things change and we need to 
adapt as they do, really it isn’t a train smash IMHO.

GitHub impact is more conceptual than actual as has been shown in this thread. 
So sure, lets have a plan B in place, that was always the long game plan for 
our code etc. But lets do take our time and do it right and in a considered 
way. We reached agreement in A Coruna to use GitHub for issue tracking and I 
don’t think it is constructive to turn around a few months later and try to 
roll back on what has been years of painful and protracted community 
negotiations and planning to get to where we are now.  IMHO moving to GitHub 
issues has been a great improvement for the project - and thanks again 
especially to Jorge and friends who did all the heavy lifting!




Tim Sutton

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