On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 12:44:24AM +0100, Tim Sutton wrote:

> I guess I probably am over-interpreting this paragraph from Sandro:
> "Latest Gitea release (1.9.0) introduced support for also migrating
> issues/pull-requests/labels/milestone/wiki/releases from a github
> project. I'd be happy to try that out if anyone can give me
> credentials to hit the API to do so (drop me a note).”
> Sandro: sure we can set you up with credentials if you just want to test it 
> out and show us what it looks like….

I just want to test this new feature of Gitea.
OSGeo isn't running a recent-enough version to have this, but
gitea.com is. I didn't verify, but following the "hosted by"
link on the bottom, it looks like being in Asia:

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