On Wed, 7 Aug 2019 at 06:42, Tim Sutton <t...@kartoza.com> wrote:
> GitHub impact is more conceptual than actual as has been shown in this 
> thread. So sure, lets have a plan B in place, that was always the long game 
> plan for our code etc. But lets do take our time and do it right and in a 
> considered way. We reached agreement in A Coruna to use GitHub for issue 
> tracking and I don’t think it is constructive to turn around a few months 
> later and try to roll back on what has been years of painful and protracted 
> community negotiations and planning to get to where we are now.  IMHO moving 
> to GitHub issues has been a great improvement for the project - and thanks 
> again especially to Jorge and friends who did all the heavy lifting!

I agree. But I think what Sandro was proposing was just a read-only
mirror of the issues on gitea. Which I'd be totally in favor of.

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