peter wrote:
> Then when I open the raster layer of the photo and add the vector layer on 
> top, the photo is off (it needs to rotate clockwise just a bit).

Perhaps this is the difference between 3TM and UTM.

Some Googling tells me Lethbridge maps are:
3-degree Transverse Mercator (3TM)
114-degree longitude central meridian
North American Datum 1983

Some Googling also tells me that 3TM and MTM might be the same. 
Newfoundland and Labrador refer to 3-degree MTM and 6-degree UTM.

QGIS has NAD83/MTM zones 1 to 17 however 32 should be the last zone. 
Zone 23 has a 114-degree longitude central meridian.

Try defining "NAD83 / MTM zone 23" by copying the parameters from one of 
the other NAD83/MTM zones and changing the longitude value to 
"+lon_0=-114" This is the only value that differs between zones.

Then open your roads file using the newly defined projection to find 
some MTM23 values and try georeferencing again using these values.

Then set the default projection to MTM23 and open both the raster and 
vector layers. Hopefully they will overlay. However I am taking 
Google-based guess that the MTM projection in QGIS is the same as 3TM.

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