On Thursday 29 November 2007 5:17 pm, peter wrote:
> I'll try it today and see what happens.

Well, I created the NAD83/MTM Zone 23 projection as suggested and loaded the 
shape file and it looks better. The shape file is rotated slightly more 
counter-clockwise so that north-south roads have an azimuth of about 357 
degrees (they were about 3 degrees before). In the aerial photo the 
north-south roads angle a little to the west.

However, when I checked the coordinates of a known intersection, they were off 
by quite a bit:

The NAD83 UTM coordinates are:
5513144 N, 368635 E

However on my NAD83/MTM Zone 23 projection, the same location comes out to:
5513867 N, 389543 E
which is 723 meters further north and about 21 km east...

I checked the same intersection on a WGS84 source and came up with:
5512298 N, 368371 E

I didn't try georeferencing the photo against the new coordinates since 
they're so far out, but I did try to load the existing photo...it loaded but 
wouldn't display. 

Peter Pankonin, digitalcrucible

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