In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

On the contrary, It isd up to whoever to contact Quanta with a business plan
and proposals.

I must disagree John. A discusion needs to take place between Quanta and anyone else who seeks Quanta assistance. What may be proposed is very much dependant upon how far Quanta is willing to assist. Expecting someone to come forward with a cut and dried proposal or "business plan" is unrealistic. You are dealing with members and friends, not contractors, lawyers and accountants. The Quanta committee does need come down and start talking to members in their own language. A little bit of trust wouldn't come amiss either.

Indeed. Some sensible negotiations.

It is all for the longer term good.

Plus the person involved does have a proven hardware track record.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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