----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dilwyn Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Nasta

> Although it is too late to present this as something for discussion at
> the Quanta AGM, there is nothing to stop this sort of idea being
> discussed during one of the "workshop" sessions as aninformal
> discussion or debate from which the main points and views raised could
> be summarised and presented to the committee for discussion, or even
> for informal discussions to take place at the AGM dinner on saturday
> night - all I;m suggesting is bounce a few ideas around as initial
> discussion, sound out the members and officials and start forming
> views which in themselves won't carry any official weight but you may
> at least get a feeeling of opinion among the active members present
> which may simplify or clarify the direction any formal enquiries,
> discussion of any business plans or requests for help with funding etc
> might take in the future. It is quite common for informal discussion
> and 'sounding out' to take place before things go through formal
> channels to know the best way to (legally and fairly of course)
> present matters in the most efficient way.

I have been asked to fill a "slot" on the Sunday morning and we have kept
the subject matter open. I was thinking of a general discussion on the
questions I raised in connection with QL2004, all as part of getting among
members and other QL-ers as John Taylor is suggesting, but this could easily
be changed to the ideas you want to discuss. In fact, the Nasta cards
provide a good case example of the difficulties involved.  In summary a
business case is not five pages of technical specifications, but production
cost per item, production time, production quantity and selling plans. It
does not matter if the initial estimates are fairly crude, that is what gets
sorted out in negotiation.

Just remember that 20 cards at £100 each is an investment equivalent to the
subscriptions of a third of our members. That is why there has to be a lot
of legal red tape involved.

BTW the above is subject to my staying ovenight in Manchester on the
Saturday. That is my plan at the moment, but it could be subject to change.

Best wishes,
Geoff Wicks

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