> > On the contrary, It isd up to whoever to contact Quanta with a
business plan
> > and proposals.
> I must disagree John.  A discusion needs to take place between
Quanta and
> anyone else who seeks Quanta assistance.
> What may be proposed is very much dependant upon how far Quanta is
> to assist.
> Expecting someone to come forward with a cut and dried proposal or
> plan" is unrealistic.
> You are dealing with members and friends, not contractors, lawyers
> accountants.
> The Quanta committee does need come down and start talking to
members in
> their own language.  A little bit of trust wouldn't come amiss
Although it is too late to present this as something for discussion at
the Quanta AGM, there is nothing to stop this sort of idea being
discussed during one of the "workshop" sessions as aninformal
discussion or debate from which the main points and views raised could
be summarised and presented to the committee for discussion, or even
for informal discussions to take place at the AGM dinner on saturday
night - all I;m suggesting is bounce a few ideas around as initial
discussion, sound out the members and officials and start forming
views which in themselves won't carry any official weight but you may
at least get a feeeling of opinion among the active members present
which may simplify or clarify the direction any formal enquiries,
discussion of any business plans or requests for help with funding etc
might take in the future. It is quite common for informal discussion
and 'sounding out' to take place before things go through formal
channels to know the best way to (legally and fairly of course)
present matters in the most efficient way.

Dilwyn Jones

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