----- Original Message ----- From: "Roy wood"
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Re: QL2005

Just to put another issue into the mix here, John Mason called me last week and asked if I would organise the 2005 Hove show so it could be the AGM. I have looked into dates for this that would fit Quanta's schedule and I am preparing to book the hall for 17th April.

Fine by me. Seems to me to be a sensible solution for next year's AGM.

If Quanta cannot organise the QL2005 why don't we do it ourselves and
charge a small admission fee?

I have been wondering whether it would be possible to do QL2005 without Quanta. I get the impression that with Quanta we are dragging a reluctant bride to the altar and that rarely makes for a happy marriage.

Problem is that there is a hefty capital expenditure before the event, plus you have to be sure there is insurance cover. We would be talking a minimum of £200 for the hall and possibly a lot more unless someone knows an "Eindhoven solution", that is a school or similar we could use for nothing.

If anyone has any suggestions I would be pleeased to hear them,

Best Wishes,

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