ÎÎÎ Thu, 30 Dec 2004 20:41:21 -0800,Î(Î) James Hunkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ÎÎÏÎÏÎ/wrote:

Define High colo(u)r :-) You mean that it won't work on SMSQ/e for the Aurora/SGC with 256 colo(u)rs?
Many people confuse High-Colo(u)r with the minimum 256 colo(u)rs that SMSQ/e supports. Unless you have specifically tuned QDT for 16 bit cols I see no reason why it wouldn't work with SMSQ/e's Mode 16.

Hi color is 256 or more colors. Yes, Aurora should not be a problem.

I see where the confusion comes from.

To be precise (and to use industry standard terms)

Indexed colour: 8 bit colour (256 colours total)
High colour: 15 -or- 16 bit (more frequently) colour (32768 -or- 65535 colours total *)
True colour: 24(usually) -or- 32 bit (recently) colour (16.7 million colours or 4.2 billion (milliards) colours)

Newer SMSQ/e versions can display Indexed colour (DISP_COLOUR 2,x,y) on the Aurora and QPCII (after v.3.20)
or High-Colour (DISP_COLOUR 3, x,y) on the Q40/Q60/QXL/QPCII

True colour (DISP_COLOUR 4?) on the QL is impossible at this time.

I would have to look at the specs (see the user manual) but all tools should fit down to 512 x 480. Ideally, 800 x 600 and the spec allows down to 540x480 (a smaller standard size) but my largest window will fit into the 512x480 size. The installer limits the folder sizes it creates to the max screen size too so all should be good.

If you need to test it I am at your disposal :-)

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