In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dilwyn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Malcolm Cadman wrote
Yes, Quick Starts are good ... and an 'art' in themselves to write.

I wonder how many users on this list are now happily using Launchpad

-- Malcolm Cadman

Not many. Total sales is easily still in 2 figures. A lot of people said they liked the idea but were waiting for QDT, which makes sense as QDT will be THE product to have for those users with leading edge QL products and my guess is Launchpad will find its own little niche on lesser systems as people realise "No GD2? No QDT"

Hvaing used both, Malcolm, how do you see this going? I guess that like many things they both have their good points while being very different and distinct products.

Indeed, I think you are right. When QDT does get going as full release and gets taken up it will be THE system as a desktop. Which it what it is intended to be. There needs to be a 'standard' system of GUI / WIMP so that all users can share a common experience.

At present I cannot do a like for like comparison between Launchpad and QDT. As I have a full copy of Launchpad and only a Demo of QDT.

They have similarities and they have differences.

At present I have configured Launchpad to be extremely useful on my QPC2 system.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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