Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> Ah! So you don't use the real full filename of the file, you refer to
> terminfo_qdos as terminfo? So the filename must be made up of the
> joined together TERMINFO and TERM strings.

Yes, that's the idea. You tell it where all the TERMINFOs are stored
and which one of those you want.

> Jonathan's manuals are awful for those of us with no knowledge of
> Unix/Linux. In fact I'd go as far as to say they'll put anyone off.
> And as for supplying a zip file which won't unzip without manual
> renaming of many files (which is what the path name lengths issue
> amounts to) well need I say more.

Let's just say I prefer his sometimes difficult to set up software to
no software at all. His dropping out is a huge loss for the QL world.
I'd like to see much more Linux software for the QL, but alas, nobody
else seems to have the knowledge or time to do it.


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