In a message dated 12/01/05 12:45:10 GMT Standard Time, 

> (...)
> >Only problem here is that if an existing program is called with the home  
> >dir on the stack - the program will not tidy up the stack correctly since  
> >it does not know to remove the extra bytes.... (I think though could be  
> >wrong here)

I think my recent programs do clear anything on the stack since I set the 
bootom to (A6,A5).

> Well the first thing the prog would have to do would be to precess the 
> string 
> anyway, and copy it somewhere safe...
> >However, how would a program aware that the home dir might be higher up  
> >the stack cope with this - for example, some programs MAY require an empty  
> >string to be passed as the command string.  Guess if there is a special  
> >identifier word before the home dir string, this would overcome this  
> >problem.
> Simple:
> word length of command string (may be 0 if no command string)
> command string
> word length of home dir (may be 0 if no home dir)

Anything new on the stack woould have to be after the channel IDs and the 
proper parameter string. It would be in the space between (A7)  + C + P and 
(A6,A5), where C is the space taken by channels ( word at A7 * 4 + 2) and P is 
space taken by the parameter string ( word at (A7 + P) * 1 + 2 + 1 if the 
position is odd). Any new item can thus easily (?) be detected by new programs 
will almost certainly be ignored by old ones.

> But really, putting this after the command string is a nono unless you solve 
> the problem for compiled progs!
> Wolfgang
> _______________________________________________

I would imagine that OPTION_CMD$ in Turbo TK code does just take the 
parameter string and not any extra bytes following it on the stack and so 
(and new) Turbo compiled programs should still work.

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