Malcolm Cadman wrote:
> A useful device for this is a LED indicator, so that you can see which 
> lines are active or not when actually in use.
> I bought one from Maplins for a 25 way connection.  Good fun to watch 
> too ... I don't know if there is a similar one for other connectors.
Good idea. In the last wcouple of weeks, a new large Maplin's store has opened 
in Llandudno, less than half an hour's drive from here, so at long last we can 
buy such things around here without having to go to Wrexham, Chester or further 

> The more labour intensive way is use a test meter to check that the 
> individual pin outs are connected as expected.
Time always seems to be the issue!

> Saving these suggestions, why not meet up with Tony with your cable that 
> doesn't work ( and associated computer equipment ) and his cable that 
> does ?
He he, I can see half the next Quanta workshop spent discussing Dilwyn's Aurora 
serial ports ;-)

Sernet does seem to be one of those subjects that goes along the lines of it 
either works brilliantly or not at all.

Now I've got the info on Aurora serial ports wiring and the potential pitfalls 
such as IDC connectors could be wrong way round, it's just a case of getting 
the time to sit down, take it all apart and test step by step until the missing 
defective ingredient is found.

Dilwyn Jones

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