----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Suggestions on a postcard ....

> >
> > How about something on how to use Things?
> >
> Ah now then, how to be diplomatic about this one .... ?
> I suggested a while back that an article on Things would be a good idea
and Jochen - currently the only person I know who knows about Things - took
up the challenge and did produce a couple of articles. Then they stopped
(due to pressures of work and health if I remember correctly) so the 'meaty'
articles on actually using Things never appeared and I'm still confused
about them.
> So, I second your request, but unfortunately, I'm unable to assist - yet !

The only thing about Things that interests me (the rest should be pretty
straight forward. All you need to do is read the manual about 100 times) is
how to use parameters in Extension Things. There are also a few esoteric
topics such as whether Things can be users of other Things and the like, but
I suppose most of that can be discovered by just trying..


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