Norman Dunbar wrote:
> First of all, I originally sent this request to the wrong email address
> (I was working from memory - not a good idea at my age) and managed to 
> send it to Bruce. Sorry Bruce, but thanks for the suggestion.
> Ok, grovelling apologies over, I need/want/would like some suggestions 
> for articles in the QL Toady Assembly Language series. I realise I have
> to fix that damned disassembler - but that's another job. I'm looking 
> for something fairly short that fits into one or two issues so no long 
> term tasks like 'convert all of Linux into M68008 assembly languge' 
> please :o)

A sample player use the QL's beeper.

                       Tarquin Mills (Chairman)
ACCUS (Anglia Classic Computer Users Society) (We want a Spectrum +4)
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