On Tue, 08 Mar 2005 16:21:08 GMT, Tarquin Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Norman Dunbar wrote:
First of all, I originally sent this request to the wrong email address
(I was working from memory - not a good idea at my age) and managed to
send it to Bruce. Sorry Bruce, but thanks for the suggestion.

Ok, grovelling apologies over, I need/want/would like some suggestions
for articles in the QL Toady Assembly Language series. I realise I have
to fix that damned disassembler - but that's another job. I'm looking
for something fairly short that fits into one or two issues so no long
term tasks like 'convert all of Linux into M68008 assembly languge'
please :o)

A sample player use the QL's beeper.

That may be possible only with a superHermes... I doubt if any sampling (even at a ZX Spectrum-style sample rate) would work due the peculiarities (And the incompatibilities and bugs) of the 8049

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