I think it does (null filename length would be a deleted file or one of the old 
software protection files on a level 1 filing system I think, not applicable in 
Malcolm's case as he uses QPC2), but I'll check again when I get home. Thanks 
for the suggestion.

Dilwyn Jones

> Morning Dilwyn,
> Are you testing for a null directory entry ?
> When a file has been deleted, the name size in the directory entry is set to 
> zero. 
> If I'm not mistaken, the code in WinBack (remeber that) has a recursive 
> directory traversal routine which opens the directory and reads entries from 
> it. I suspect the code in there may be useful. I cams across a similar 
> problem when I was writing WinBack all those years ago.
> Cheers,
> Norman.

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  • ... Duncan Neithercut
    • ... Dilwyn Jones
      • ... Duncan Neithercut
        • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Duncan Neithercut
            • ... Malcolm Cadman
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  • ... Dilwyn Jones
  • ... Dilwyn Jones
    • ... P Witte
      • ... Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)
    • ... Malcolm Cadman
      • ... Dilwyn Jones
        • ... Malcolm Cadman
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