Check out lines 1250 and 1255 in the following extract from Directory_bas which 
is the utility to build a SuperBasic file which rebuilds you Win_ directory 


1140 DEFine PROCedure check_dir (d$)
1145   LOCal name_len%, curr_d$(40), curr_f$(41), entry$(64), loop
1150   LOCal ch%, qdos, err_loop, error_code%, loop_yn
1155   :
1160   curr_d$ = d$
1165   CURSOR_ON #1 !
1170   REPeat err_loop
1175      qdos = FOPEN_DIRECTORY(curr_d$)
1180      IF qdos < 0
1185         FORCE_ERROR qdos, 'Cannot open directory on ' & curr_d$
1190      ELSE 
1195         EXIT err_loop
1200      END IF 
1205   END REPeat err_loop
1210   REPeat loop
1215     IF END_OF_DIRECTORY(qdos) THEN EXIT loop: END IF 
1220     IF INKEY$(#1, 2) = CHR$(27)
1225        aborted = 1:    REMark ** ESC pressed during processing **
1230        EXIT loop
1235     END IF 
1240     entry$ = FREAD_DIRECTORY$(qdos)
1245     IF entry$ = '' THEN NEXT loop: END IF 
1250     name_len% = CODE(entry$(15)) * 256 + CODE(entry$(16))
1255     IF NOT (name_len%) THEN NEXT loop: END IF 
1260     curr_f$ = entry$(17 TO (17 + name_len% - 1))
1265     IF CODE(entry$(6)) = 255
1270        PRINT ! curr_f$ !
1275        PRINT #3,next_line% & ' DATA "' & curr_f$ & '"'
1280        next_line% = next_line% + 5
1285        check_dir ('win1_' & curr_f$)
1290        IF aborted THEN EXIT loop: END IF 
1295     END IF 
1300   END REPeat loop
1305   CLOSE_DIRECTORY (qdos)
1310   CURSOR_OFF #1
1315 END DEFine check_dir

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  • ... Malcolm Cadman
  • ... Duncan Neithercut
    • ... Dilwyn Jones
      • ... Duncan Neithercut
        • ... Malcolm Cadman
          • ... Duncan Neithercut
            • ... Malcolm Cadman
  • ... Dilwyn Jones
  • ... Dilwyn Jones
  • ... Dilwyn Jones
    • ... P Witte
      • ... Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)
    • ... Malcolm Cadman
      • ... Dilwyn Jones
        • ... Malcolm Cadman

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