In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dilwyn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Just another simple thing ... are you using the 'zero' in the
dimensioned array for the 'file_string' ?

DIM f$(100)

actually has 101 places reserved, as 0 to 100.
Yes I do. As best as I can remember from memory the MAWDRAW command is used for drawing the files list in the menu, this uses an array slice depending on how many filenames there are. If there's 60 files it's be:

MAWDRAW #channel%,1,f$(0 to 59)
I may need to
>rig up a test routine in SBASIC for you to run on your machine for me
>to get some figures back to see why it's different on your system,
OK, best to the latter, as my machine is not 'portable' to shows; and I
will not be attending the AGM.

Send me a SBASIC test routine with suitable break points to check
progress.  When you have time.
Of course!

I feel sure it will turn out to be something minor that is throwing the
Indeed, I'm sure I'll be kicking myself when I discover the error!

Yes, it like all code writing ... the major part of say 90% to 95% is relatively easy, yet it is the last 1% to 5% that is hard.

Malcolm Cadman
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    • ... Malcolm Cadman
      • ... Dilwyn Jones
        • ... Malcolm Cadman
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    • ... Malcolm Cadman
      • ... Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)
        • ... Malcolm Cadman

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