> John Taylor wrote:
>> Geoff
>> Quanta approached Psion years ago and they raised no objections.
>> They regretted that they were unable to help as the source code had
>> been mothballed, but if ever they had recourse to it they assured
>> Quanta that they would let us have a copy.
>> We were talking, if I remember correctly, about the XChange suite and
>> not just Quill, though the enquiry centred on Quill.
>> Patents have a limited life, it is a pity copyright doesn't too.
> AFAIK, copyright does have a limited life: it used to be/is something like
> author.death+50 years.  However, in the world of software, >that is 
> effectively limitless.
Thanks to the EEC it is now Author Life + 70 years



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