The status of the GD2 Quill version is a little obscure. As far as I know it 
is currently only available in the Quanta library and I don't know if the 
author is willing to have a wider distribution as it is still a beta 
version. One difficulty in checking this out is that I only have snailmail 
contact details.

In general there is some confusion about the precise status of the Psion 
software and what can be distributed and what not. No one seemed to know the 
answer to this when I asked at QL is 21. However, there is a long history of 
tweaking Quill for various reasons so I assume there are no major problems.

I was not sure whether you were offering to do a review, which is best done 
by a Quanta member. It will be easy to let you have a review copy. Otherwise 
you should be able to get it from John Gregory,

Best Wishes,
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Malcolm Cadman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quill Makeover

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, gwicks
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>The last item in the news section of the current QL-Today concerns the GD2
>>colour version of Quill written by Roger Godley.
>>We would like to have a full review of this in the next issue and would 
>>a volunteer for the task.
>>There will be a tight deadline as we must have copy in by the end of this
>>month if we are to get issue 3 out in time for Christmas,
> I enquired about this a few weeks back, with Dilwyn, as to whether there
> was an available download of this from the www.
> -- 
> Malcolm Cadman
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