I have a 14 inch Phillips colour TV with RGB input that used to be used 
with my QL. The TV tuner has died, but it should work fine as a monitor. 
Free to anyone who can be bothered to come to Watford to colllect it.



Robert Newson wrote:
> Tony Firshman wrote:
> ...
>>> I've had to resort back to my hacked (personal mod [again]) Phillips TX B&W
>>> TV (hacked in a Video input to bypass the demodulator which doesn't work) as
>>> my colour monitor died when I tried to use the QL after a long break
>> I wonder whether it is related to my Ferguson colour TX TV circa 1985. 
>> The pcb was laid out to support RGB input - even with a modulator 
>> disable pad.  I zapped my RF modulator on this by dropping the disable 
>> wire on a high voltage.  It worked fine (and still is) with a 
>> replacement module.
> My Phillips also had colour support on the main PCB (components marked but 
> not filled).  The demodulator used to work AFTER I had put in the video-in 
> socket complete with a switch to change between the demodulator & the socket 
> so it could still be used as a TV when required (rarely).  Then the 
> demodulator died - don't know when as I hadn't used it for ages when I tried 
> it.
>>> (having
>>> finally got a replacement GC battery); the QL started playing up at around
>>> the same time.
>> Systems areOK with no GQ battery.  You just lose the clock protection 
>> etc.
> When I first removed the dead battery, the QL initially played up on 
> re-inserting the GC before it settled down to working properly again.  I 
> finally got round to getting a new battery for the GC and it was after 
> inserting that when re-inserting the GC that the problems started...perhaps 
> I could take it with me to work tomorrow and have a look at it when I get a 
> chance (got mains on my coach...).
> At one stage I did bend one of the pins on the connector when re-inserting 
> the GC, but I don't remember the kind of crash I last had.  I straightened 
> said pin and all was AOK.
> ...
>>> I have just tried to re-insert the GC and it crashes on boot.  Without it,
>>> it booted ok, so haven't tried to re-re-insert.  Have subsequently tried ICE
>>> ROM and it has booted ok.  Would poss suggest GC, but that *WAS* checked and
>>> found Ok - implying poss fault on expansion port of QL?
>> Yes indeed.  I bet it is that.
>> Slightly bent pins can cause poor contact.  It looks like GC and its 
>> connector are OK as you have had it checked.
>> It could even be a pin bent right out of the way.  That is very easy 
>> with ones near the end,  Typically they bend into an L shape. ie a bit 
>> flat and the rest still straight.  Often it can short against a 
>> neighbouring pin causing the QL to fail (or crash - as you found).
>> If a pin is bent, then take the board out of the QL, and bend and 
>> straighten the pin very very very very carefully - they are brittle and 
>> you will probably only get one chance to bend it.  Tweezers and 
>> jeweller's screwdrivers will help.
> Last time I did that it didn't seem that brittle...I'll have to take it 
> apart again and check the pins.
>> I have seen (and repaired) dozens of QLs with this fault.
>> Of course as well do the std things - like cleaning chip legs (with hard 
>> rubber) - 8302 is especially bad, and re-seat chips, heat sink compound 
>> under the 5v regulator, cable from regulator to ram 5V (this was on 
>> later boards) and mains filter.  Mind you if you have a std US QL then 
>> it will have loads of mods, including filtering components.
>> I think I say this and more in my QL troubleshooting guide on my web 
>> site.
> Years ago (before expaning my QL) I had the QL failing quite regularly after 
> a few hours of use.  Taking it apart, I reseated the chips and it worked 
> better thereafter.  I can't remember if I did that or not this last time.
>> You could even bring it to the next North American QL show.  Watch this 
>> space..........
> Long way to go from South Norwood, London, England - Tring's much closer 
> (camped near there when I was in the cubs, travelling in the back of a 
> removal lorry, sitting with the rest of the pack on our kit bags, with the 
> top back doors open...oh such memories...oh such abandon...these days kids 
> go by luxury coach - missing such pleasures...)!
> Robert

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