P Witte wrote:
> Opera takes a little getting used to. To my mind, neither images nor
> text are rendered to the same quality as in IE, but Im used to it
> now.

One possible reason is that IE ignores the ClearType system setting
for text. It always enables ClearType, even if the rest of the system
is configured to not use it.
Pictures should always be the same, pixel for pixel. Unless Opera is
told to zoom in/out of the page (+/- keys or View menu).

> I wonder how they make a living of it, though.

All version prior to v9 were commercial (and I've actually bought all
of them since v5 or v6). Nowadays they make most of their money from
licenses, ie Opera on mobile phones (Nokia mainly) and on game
consoles (Nintendo). Still it's a struggle, I suppose.


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