Hi Jochen,

Sorry to learn of your bad news (not being at Byfleet) and both Sarah & I 
wish you a speedy recovery.

Yes, please ask about postage and let me know - if I get these items from 
our local Computer fair, Prices are way in excess of yours and it costs me 
£3 to get into the Fair in the first place!!


John Gilpin.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "SMSQ - Jochen Merz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 4:56 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Eindhoven and Byfleet

> Hi everybody,
> just wanted to say that I'll be at the Eindhoven QL meeting tomorrow,
> Saturday - same venue as always (St. Joris College, Eindhoven, NL).
> Will bring the usual range, but if you want anything special please
> let me know today.
> QL Today will hopefully be ready for Byfleet. I had a bad cold last
> week, and headache/migrane often 4 or 5 days in a week (including
> today), therefore I am behind the planned schedule.
> Will try to do my best, as always.
> Now the bad news: I was planning to come to Byfleet together with
> Bernd Reinhardt. Bernd told me yesterday that he can't make it...
> he's got the workers in his house (new pipes, new bathrooms for
> him and the flats he rents out) and the schedule here is way
> behind schedule, he said. Missing parts are supposed to arrive
> any time in the next two, three weeks - so he has to be present
> and definitely can't be away for that long weekend.
> I may have mentioned it before, with my current health situation,
> travelling long distances on my own is impossible.
> I am very, very sorry having to say that ... and we both hope to
> be able to make it to Hove and/or Byfleet next year.
> Sorry Ken, sorry John (can't bring the items as discussed ... if you
> think it makes sense to ship them, I'll find out about postage),
> sorry to everybody coming to the show and expecting me to be there.
> Fortunately, you can get all of the JMS products from Roy.
> All the best, see you either at Eindhoven tomorrow or hopefully
> next year,
> Jochen
> -- 
> Jochen Merz Software - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 302 - D-47169 Duisburg
>    Tel. +49-(0)203-502011      Fax +49-(0)203-502012
>    Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Homepage: http://SMSQ.J-M-S.COM
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