Op Wed, 24 Jan 2007 21:13:04 +0100 schreef Malcolm Cadman  

> If the hard drive show a directory - with "dir win1_" - then the CD-ROM
> should be next with - "dir win2_"
> In DOS/Windows these are the C: and D: drives.
This is not automatically so for Qubide.
At startup only win1_ is mounted (first partition on the master drive).
Any other drive or partition needs to be mounted by the user.
WIN_DRIVE 2,1,2: will link win2_ to the second partition on the master  
WIN_DRIVE 3,2,1: will link win3_ to the first partition on the slave drive.
There is a small freeware PE program WINLINK to make this easier.
(check the usual suspects/sites)

But the CD does not contain a format that is known to Qubide so WIN_DRIVE  
doesn't work here, you need the extensions mentioned earlier to access the  


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