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Neil Riley wrote:
> Tony,
> I have recently obtained this Aurora so your questions are better
> aimed at the previous owner who often frequents this list. Sadly, 
> I appear to be a passenger on this ride but of course am keen to 
> learn and get this machine up and running ( i have plans for it).
> My knowledge though is dire and not ever having managed to 
> get my Aurora running I have no idea whatsoever whats running
> on it.... except SMSQ although exactly what version im not sure.
> I didn't receive a superHermes floppy so cannot boot the system
> up from it. Regarding the HD and QUDIBE, i want to re-attach the 
> (TURBO LED) to QUBIDE so i can see the HD access but I'm not sure
> where to attach the small two female socket plug. Once done, i will 
> be able to see when the HD gets accessed during startup which will
> push things forward.
I think this has to be on the hard disk.
> Worst case senario, I will bring the Aurora to the next QL
> get-to-gether
> in Fleet or whereever and boot some of your time to get things
> running.
Any QL formatted floppy will do I think.  I forget, but I think the QL
will then stop looking at any other device.
Failing that, press 'break' on the keyboard quickly and repeatedly after
F1.  You can probably stop SMSQ loading that way.
The you can then run lines of the boot program one by one, by moving a
STOP one line at a time.

This should isolate exactly what crashes Aurora.

The first boot line should say something like:
IF VER$=='JSL':EX <smsq file> :REMark load SMSQ if version is Minerva
(not sure of exact syntax though)

This sort of rescue is *exactly* why loading sH extension from Romdisq
prior to F1/F1 is a good thing.


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