
there has always been a number of QL folks who want native hardware, but 
weren't satisfied with the concept of the Q60. They kept looking for a 
"Super Duper Gold Card". I often tried to understand what they really have 
in mind but failed. Some of them seem on this list now, maybe my curiosity 
can be helped...

The starting point for the Q40/Q60 formfactor was: Nearly all QL users 
weren't satisfied with the black case & keyboard, so they mount their QL 
stuff in other cases, especially PC cases. Often a lot of tinkering was 
involved, even backplanes were made to ease the tinkering a bit. 
Consequently, a modernized QL should rather fit a PC case than the black 
box. (That's what I thought.)

I could have given the Q60 a black box formfactor. Would this have 
satisfied those looking for SDGC?

Or is this more than a question of the form factor? Are there parts on the 
QL motherboard which are ANY use in combination with a >= 68040 system?

All the best

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