Op Fri, 16 Feb 2007 17:58:22 +0100 schreef David McCann  

> One of the many reasons I have for preferring SuperBasic to XBasic is
> the availability of dbas. But this is another project which got
> abandoned. I may be out of date, but the last time I looked the version
> supplied with the commercial front end for it (can't remember the name)
> was older than the one I'm using (2.13). Quanta had a copy of the
> commented source code, not for inclusion in the library (why?), but they
> lost it ...
I am a bit confused here.
When I searched for the latest version of DBAS I got version 2.13 from the  
Quanta librarian (Dec 2002) who told me YOU were the one that last  
tinkered with it.
Does this mean you lost your own commented source code?
I haven't seen any mention of a later version anywhere.

The only commercial DBAS front-end program I know of is "Suqcess" and I  
have included DBAS_sys 2.13 in the package since v1.15. In fact I have  
modified it to avoid a clash between its RESET command and the SMSQ/E  
RESET keyword.
But the current version 2.04 can work with v2.13 or v2.13mod and will not  
reset SMSQ/E!


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