In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dilwyn Jones 

>> I know that Dilwyn Jones has put most of the available documentation
>> on
>> his web site, which is easy to access.
>Errr, slight typo:
>The documentation is actually on the third of my 3 sites though :-)
>The main site is
>All 3 sites link to each of these days I'll get the time
>to put the whole lot onto one site (the UK6 one, since that's the only
>one with space for everything,t hanks to those nice UK6 people at
>And what didn't fit there is on the QL Documentation CD which you can
>get from Q-Celt Computing and other traders if you ask nicely enough.
>Little known fact: Quanta members can get it cheaply through Quanta
>Most of the Documentation CD was on a  QL Today cover CD not so long
>ago. It's been updated a few times since then, though.
>It's actually quite interesting to realise that people often ask if I
>have info on "xyz", not realising it's either on my website or my CDs.
>As Rich Mellor pointed out not so long ago, there's so much material
>that even I forget I have some files sometimes!

Yes, we all need reminding, every now and again ... :-)

I have just come across this quotation :

Malcolm Cadman
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