On 20 Feb 2007, at 20:15, Rich Mellor wrote:

>> On another note - having mentioned that I'd be willing to try and  
>> port
>> SMSQ to the Amiga I decided to download the source today and have  
>> a look
>> at it. Thinking that it'd be a good idea to build it for the existing
>> hardware first so that I can experiment. I then find that without yet
>> again spending money I can't do this - I either need to buy QMAC or I
>> need to use GWASS (not that there is any available information on  
>> how to
>> do it with GWASS that was another QL Today article that I haven't  
>> got) -
>> Unfortunately GWASS requires a 68020 or better which I don't have.  
>> Yet
>> again - someone who's interested in doing some good for the QL hits a
>> brick wall.
> I do not know if GWASL can be used to assemble the sources - George?

I am afraid that GWASL would not be able to assemble the source code  
of SMSQE in the form I use and which I hope Wolfgang Lenerz will soon  
put on the official site. This altered source code requires the macro  
facilities in GWASS which are just not there in GWASL. There are many  
other places where GWASL is just not strong enough.

Now that QPC2 is a 28020+ you can use GWASS on that.

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