Morning all,

> True, many articles in QL Today which demonstrate programming techniques 
> etc. are scattered throughout it's 11 volumes. I believe that all of 
> these still exist in electronic form so maybe there is  some possible 
> mileage in gathering all of the articles of each series together and 
> either printing them off as a single volume or putting them on a CD as 
> PDF files. I have no idea how much work this would be but it would be 
> work so there would have to be a charge. Nevertheless it would be 
> worthwhile if it got some people writing software again.

well, having converted almost all of my Assembly Language tutorials - some of 
then accurate - to DocBook XML, converted that to pdf and HTML, I can honestly 
say that it is a fair bit of work going from text to xml. However, the recent 
QL Toady CD with the docs etc on it had copies of my series plus my conversion 
of an (Amiga based?) MC68000 processor instructions.

If anyone wany a copy of same (in zipped format) please contact me at Norman 
(at) Dunbar (hyphen) IT (dot) co (dot) uk with a self addressed email (!) and 
I'll attempt to send a copy back in return. *** If that's ok with the editors 
of QL Today of course. ***

Having said that, any work I produce for the QL and derivatives whether 
programming or documentation is free and can be used and abused by anyone. 

It is also entirely possible that Dilwyn has the above mentioned docs on hiw 
web site. I must check !!


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