On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 00:18:27 -0000, Stephen Usher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Well,
>> However, it is not the fault of SMSQ/e that only commercial assemblers  
>> can
>> compile it.  George Gwilt has done a sterling job with GWASS and
>> converting smsq/e sources (and the compiler in some aspects) to ensure  
>> it
>> can be compiled.  However, this is limited to a 68020+ processor and  
>> there
>> is no other public domain assembler that handles macros (so far as I  
>> know).
>> The only other way would be to find someone to volunteer to convert the
>> smsq/e sources (which were originally written using QMAC) so that they
>> could be compiled with another assembler.  However, GWASL is the only
>> public domain assembler so this would require a lot of work and may be
>> pointless after all - the resultant file sizes may be of such a size  
>> that
>> it wouldn't be possible to compile it in the memory provided by a Gold
>> Card anyway !!
> Well, what about porting it to the GNU assembler and writing a
> cross-assembling environment for Linux etc.? Surely the problem here is
> bootstrapping and it doesn't matter what system you use to bootstrap as  
> long
> as it's easily available to practically everyone?
> I'm sure assembling SMSQ/e on a 2GHz Athlon 64 box would be a darn sight
> faster than any QL derivative. Once you have SMSQ/e compiled and onto a
> suitable bootable media you can then start copying all the other  
> applications
> across on the target system, as it's now running the new OS.

The idea of using another cross-assembler might be ok, but it shouldn't be  
limited to one that runs on Linux as unfortunately, Windows users have to  
be catered for.

However, the problem is that in order to do this, you need someone with in  
depth knowledge of QMAC and the new assembler to be used, and someone who  
can follow the original smsq/e sources to ensure that they are all  
converted correctly.

Any volunteers??

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

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