I misread your earlier email on this topic?? I will help where and when I 
can to do specific bits but I haven't much time to run specific software to 
get a screenshot in the first place. I can, however scan from magazines and 
convert to electronic files for someone else to send to the web etc.

Let me know if I can help - maybe the authors can supply something - Dilwyn 
Jones, George Gwilt.......?


John G.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rich Mellor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:59 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Attracting others to the Sinclair QL

> On the World of Spectrum site, someone quite vaildly asked why they should
> buy a QL and what benefits it would have over a Spectrum.
> I started answering the discussion and there seems quite a bit of interest
> in the QL and finding out what it was capable of.
> See http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15319
> I just wonder whether we are missing something here.
> I really think that the one thing which would be useful would be a
> Sinclair QL database.  Not as many problems as the long suggested QL
> Software depository, but a database with details of software, hardware and
> magazines, complete with screenshots and details of the authors (and links
> to websites).
> If you think about it, there are very few QL software screenshots on the
> web and certainly I would be willing to let my earlier articles be scanned
> in and available on the web somewhere.  Alas I do not have a boat load of
> QL magazines anymore (or the time to scan them all in) but I am sure there
> must be some articles still in an electronic format.
> -- 
> Rich Mellor
> RWAP Services
> URL:http://www.rwapsoftware.co.uk
> URL:http://www.rwapservices.co.uk
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