In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dilwyn Jones 

>While I doubt I'd have time to do anything specific on this, I'm quite
>happy for example for copiesof my website to be put on CD to be given
>away to help with cases like this. The website is 99% relative URLs
>for links within itself and full URLs for external links, so it might
>well work from CD, apart from some obvious features like the Form
>message service. Putting a free browser on the CD might be one way of
>running, though anyone with a browser should be able to fire it up
>from the index.html file. If you are interested, I could send you a
>copy on CD to try.
>Since my website contains links to other QL sites, general
>information, trader links as well as a lot of Free Software, it might
>be quite useful, especially if I could make time to merge the
>TopCities documentation site onto the CD.
>Haven't really thought this through yet, just floating the idea. I'm
>not sure if there's space on it, if there is, you'd be welcome to
>merge the "website CD" with QL Emulators CD to be given away in cases
>like this.

Perfectly acceptable to put an image of several QL web sites on to a CD, 
as long as the authors of the sites agree.

That way a good deal of the software is readily available, without 
downloading off the web.

The only slight drawback is that the CD goes out of date when new 
versions occur.  Although for a lot of the software this not too 

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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