
Can anyone help me with using a portable Zip Drive as a source, running 
QPC, and being attached to 2 different PC's ( not at the same time ) ?

On the first computer it is seen as a source - win2_ - on the second 
computer it is seen as a source - win4_

The software - like QDT and Launchpad - is configured to recognise the 
win drive source as - win2_

Which means when the source is seen as - win4_ - this is not correct.

Also, rather than have one very long boot file to load everything, I 
have a number of small boot files that load one after the other, 
depending on what configuration I am using.

Is there an easy way to preserve the value the physical source - in this 
case either as win2_ or win4_ across the different boot files ?

Can DEV_USE do this ?

Or an Environment variable ?

At present my initial, short, boot file just gets input from the user as 
to which computer is being used, which sets "windrive$" to either be - 
win2_ or win4_

However, the value is not being held when the next boot file is loaded 
with an LRUN.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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