In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

>>> ... using LRUN, seems to clear the BASIC memory area of
>>> a "windrive$" variable that I have just obtained from user input.
>Try MRUN whihc does a MERGE and doesn't/shouldn't clear your variables 
>- assuming I'm remembering correctly of course.

Thanks, Norman.

I have done that now, and it works as I wanted it to.

I have also set a :

DEV_USE 1,windrive$&'_'

( windrive$ being a variable obtained from user input )

So that DEV1_ can be the psuedo device for any windrive number that is 
assigned when using software like QDT and Launchpad.

I could have set it up this way before, yet it is only now that I have 
seen the need to have the flexibility available.

It shows how useful SMSQ/E is as an OS.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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