Malcolm Cadman writes:

> Can anyone help me with using a portable Zip Drive as a source, running 
> QPC, and being attached to 2 different PC's ( not at the same time ) ?
> On the first computer it is seen as a source - win2_ - on the second 
> computer it is seen as a source - win4_
> The software - like QDT and Launchpad - is configured to recognise the 
> win drive source as - win2_
> Which means when the source is seen as - win4_ - this is not correct.
> Also, rather than have one very long boot file to load everything, I 
> have a number of small boot files that load one after the other, 
> depending on what configuration I am using.
> Is there an easy way to preserve the value the physical source - in this 
> case either as win2_ or win4_ across the different boot files ?
> Can DEV_USE do this ?
> Or an Environment variable ?
> At present my initial, short, boot file just gets input from the user as 
> to which computer is being used, which sets "windrive$" to either be - 
> win2_ or win4_
> However, the value is not being held when the next boot file is loaded 
> with an LRUN.

Ive made a QPC2 system to run off a USB memory stick. This should be 
pretty much the same for a zip disk, but I'm not sure..

On the USB disk I have the following structure:

QPC2.lnk                ; Shortcut to QPC2
-> QPC2                 ; QPC2 program directory
        QPC2.exe        ; QPC2 executable
        ..              ; other stuff
-> win1 ; win1_

-> win2 ; win2_

Ive configured QPC2 to use the following devices: \win1\ for 
win1_, \win2\ for win2_, etc

That means that whatever drive letter Windows issues for the USB drive 
QPC2 will always find my files.

Once QPC2 is running you can use the SBasic function QPC_NETNAME$ to 
find out which machine youre running under (provided youve set this 
under Windows first). I have different directories for the different 
platforms SMSQ/E runs under, containing the different 
platform-specific configuration files such as printer drivers, 
FileInfo2_cfg, MenuConf_inf, etc. On my QPC2 systems I use the net 
name to tell them apart.

Thats all you really need to do to get QPC2 to work on different systems.

However, in my case I wanted to configure the Windows shortcut 
(QPC".lnk as above)to be drive letter-independent too, but that only 
partially worked. Perhaps someone knows a way of doing this?

I can configure the shortcut to "start in" %CD%\QPC2\ (%CD%  being a 
system variable for the current directory). However the "target" and 
icon locations appear, stupidly, to have to be specified exactly: 
K:\QPC2\QPC2.exe. Is there a way around this?


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