Dilwyn Jones wrote:
> My son is 12 now and VERY into his computers (as you might expect of a 
> son of mine!). This Christmas, he got a little £60 Aiptek digital 
> video camera, spent most of Christmas day recording his mum, dad, 
> grandparents etc and made a very good half hour video of it all (with 
> Windows Movie Maker, which was a traumatic learning experience until 
> we realised we had to set Windows Virtual Memory to a massive 1GB to 
> edit a video at a snail's pace on a 1.4GHz Pentium, which makes me 
> very glad of what we are able to achieve at a few MHz on a QL 
> sometimes) which is now on DVD doing the rounds of the family!
I can really empathise with that!  I have two boys one almost five and 
the other is three and a half!  The five year old got a laptop for his 
third birthday! Some might call that extreme, but it was a secondhand P4 
which I was able to upgrade with all the bits and boys I had accumulated 
over 15 years in IT!  He had been showing such an interest in my PCs and 
more than that even at that early age an ability to use the mouse, click 
on icons, even load the right disks for his games and education 
programs! Having two very competitive boys very close in age, I took the 
precaution of getting a second laptop at the same time as the first - an 
identical model - and putting it away until we judged the younger lad 
was ready. Well, that happened this Christmas and both boys now are 
having great fun playing their games and surfing their (restricted to 
permitted sites) internet. It amazes me how quickly children pick things 
up in this day and age but good luck to them!  The nearly five year old 
got a digital camera for Christmas and he has been taking photos of 
everything and everyone and now can upload the photos to his laptop 
without help!  In fact, after a disappointing response to the ad for my 
assistant's role at work, i am thinking of offering him the job!!!
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