>> emails from QPC via mobile phone, though I haven't got that far 
>> yet. I
>> also want to get a USB Bluetooth dongle like my son's to see what I
>> can achieve with that.
> It will be at 9600bps.  ... so at 25p a minute don't try to do 
> serious
> work (8-)#
Obviously...but the main thing is it works, so on the very rare 
occasions I'd need net access (e.g. when away from home) I know it's 
possible. As you say...no serious work at 25p a minute though in time 
I might find better deals. The 25p a minute is for the first few 
minutes, after that it goes to cheaper rates for the same day. But 
still, impractical for anything but light occasional use.

> Mind you that speed is the fastest a std QL can do, of course.
Sometimes I suspect this PC can't even manage that with the slow dial 
up speeds from here sometimes :-(

Dilwyn Jones 

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