> Hi Derek,
>>> ... but the modern PC HD drives have a 
>>> resistor soldered onto the drive select part of the board to
>>> permanently select drive 1. The cable to the I/O card or
>>> motherboard has a twist in the control lines, which allows
>>>  Drive 1 and Drive 2 to be selected.
> Aha, cable select if I remember correctly. Thanks for the reminder, I 
> wasn't sure what the difference between a modern floppy drive and a 'stone 
> age' one was. Cheers.
'drive 1' there is actually drive B.
DS0 - A (flp1_)
DS1 - B (flp2_)
PC drives come as DS1 (B), and the twist in the cable is to to get the A 
You cannot though use the standard PC cable for the QL drives.  Roy Wood 
knows how to modify a cable!

It is worth inspecting the pcb.  Some have the DS lines clearly labelled 
on the pcb, with a solder jumper to DS1. These can be modified.
It is ridiculous that manufacturers assume floppy drives are only for 
PCs, especially now laptops (and often PCs) come without floppy drives.


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