In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Roy wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Hi Roy,

Speaking for myself, I can quite understand how this happened; and I know that you emailed to this List your intention to act on putting it right, a soon as you could. Which I sure that you have now done.

I am saddened though, that you are considering closing QBranch down.

You have always been such a reliable Trader and general QL supporter over the Years.

As well as organising the Quanta Workshops at the Hove venue.

Anyway, I do hope that we will not loose you altogether ... and good luck in whatever other ventures you are now involved with.

Geoff, for someone so supposedly skilled in negotiation and communication you do a good job of stirring thing up.

Yes I messed up here, in that I got too involved with too many things and forgot to follow up Jochen's email about sending the adverts to him and letting him know how many magazine were required for the next issue Some of this was due to pursuing a couple of customers who had not renewed or replied to renewal requests and I did not want to short order. As It was there were just too many things happening at once outside of the QL and I am not often home so I neglected to do it.

Yes, I admit it was a mess. When all this blew up last week I acted immediately to get the order over to Jochen and find out how much he need for the issue to be printed and I transferred the money last week. He knows when he will get it because we do this all the time. The money has been out of my account for three working days and should be in his by tomorrow.

As angry as you may have been you didn't try to call me or email me about it.

QBranch does no business other than to deal with this magazine. I had intended to close it last year but I decided to carry it on. It is so far at the back of what I spend most of my time on these days that I still have not sent RWAP and invoice for some stuff I sold him three months ago.

I apologise to the readers and the next issue will go much more smoothly

My intention is to close QBranch forthwith but I will see out this volume of the magazine and sell off the remaining bits of QL stuff I have here.

Really this was all very unnecessary, Geoff, but there you go.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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