----- Original Message ----- From: "Tony Firshman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] The forgotten half

Geoff Wicks wrote, On 20/10/08 21:54:
On 7th October you said you would be dealing with the matter that week.

It is now the 20th October.

On 7th October you accused me of "overreacting as usual". Wrong I was underreacting,

... but a pity you said what you did, Geoff.
Oil was needed in Brighton Marina, not fires.

Do not forget that the first time we had to delay printing the UK copies of QL Today I did not give the reason why. In other words I was prepared to carry the can although it was not my fault..

There was also a very positive suggestion in my email. If Roy is too busy to deal with QL Today - and I accept his situation is very similar to yours when you to a back seat - then he can pay now for the full volume and Jochen and I can taken over the distribution.

This has advantages for everyone:

Roy has less work to do and can make a clean break with the QL side of QBranch.

Jochen and I have less worry.

The readers become direct subscribers to QL Today and this have a more certainty where to go to if things go wrong,

Best Wishes,


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