In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Roy wood
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Malcolm Cadman 
>>Speaking for myself, I can quite understand how this happened; and I 
>>know that you emailed to this List your intention to act on putting it 
>>right, a soon as you could.  Which I sure that you have now done.
>Thanks for that. I was my fault and I admit it
>>I am saddened though, that you are considering closing QBranch down.
>>You have always been such a reliable Trader and general QL supporter 
>>over the Years.
>I have enjoyed running QBranch but a lack of any effort on the part of 
>the writers and developers has made it uneconomic. It all costs money, 
>the phone lines, and the extra bank accounts etc. ......
>>As well as organising the Quanta Workshops at the Hove venue.
>Yes I have enjoyed all that too.
>>Anyway, I do hope that we will not loose you altogether ... and good 
>>luck in whatever other ventures you are now involved with.
>Well it depends - I am a bit pissed with Geoff's posturing. After all 
>this time he could have called me after all. Leaves a bad feeling 

Hi Roy,

Well I hope that you will still be around, on occasions, at QL Events.

I am hoping to try to do a Quanta Workshop, again, in 2009.  Which has
not been possible in 2008.

Tony F, and yourself, were the guaranteed "Traders" that could be relied
on to attend, even though you had both long since gone beyond making any

I have just put a photo of you from 2002, on my Quanta web site page,
wearing a colourful shirt ... remember that .....

PS, I am bemused, sometimes, with how people express themselves on
Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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