
I have found some time, recently, to start updating the London QL and Quanta Group web page.

A lot of new pictures have been added, as well as many minor changes.

Can someone with a Broad band connection have a look, and let me know if all the images display well ?

I downloaded the trial version of Terrapin FTP, from the Demon web site. Although it is easy to use, it appears to be temperamental about connecting to my site.

So, I reverted back to WS_PRO FTP, which is essentially a DOS based interface that I have running on a 486PC with Win3.11

It is, though, easy to use and efficient.

Yet, Demon's Server decided it would not co-operate any more, last night. Which seems to happen every now and again, depending on the traffic load.

I have been using the latest edition of Opera web browser, as an off line Editor, to do the updating, because it allows an easy switch between the source and the display of the page.

I am still working on the images to get a good file size, etc, so that download time is as quick as possible.

The source images were taken on different digital cameras, at differing resolutions - which I haven't standardised, as yet. Although I know I have some software, somewhere, that can do that conversion for me.


I have also begun a new web page for "Retro Computing", to list hardware, books, etc, that are available.


Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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