On 21/10/2008 01:25, Malcolm Cadman wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
On 20/10/2008 22:29, Malcolm Cadman wrote:
I have found some time, recently, to start updating the London QL
and Quanta Group web page.

A lot of new pictures have been added, as well as many minor

Can someone with a Broad band connection have a look, and let me
know if all the images display well ?
I've checked using Firefox & Internet Explorer.

The heading "Quanta.gif" and, further down, "lon20032.jpg" don't
show at all.

"southw1.jpg" and "byfleet2.gif" show the top half (roughly) only.

Because the pictures are stored in full on the front pages and are
up to 808.6KB in size each, the page is slow to load.

In scaling, most of them have their aspect ratios squashed
vertically or horizontally to fit the standard 160x120 pixels set
so don't look very good until you right-click and view the original
image at full size and dimensions.  They would be better reduced
and cropped to large thumbnails using something like Irfanview and
then hyperlinked to the original files.

Thanks for the quick review, just what I needed !

Similar to what I was thinking.

I have changed the first batch, of Byfleet 2002, by Resize/Resample
in Irfanview to 640 x 480, and then cropped them in ULead Photo
Explorer 8.

Now they are less than 100Kb in most cases.

I don't know what has happened with the Quanta logo image, one of
those odds things that it doesn't open now.  As it was not changed.

The Southwark image should OK, though, as it is.  If not I will
change it later too.

The Chapel picture now doesn't show at all but the Quanta logo image is present in all its glory.

As the smaller pictures are all rescaled on the page to 160x120px there is no need to retain the 640x480 size. It might be better to process the full images in IrfanView (using Resize/Resample) to reduce them to 160px width or 120px height whilst preserving the aspect ratio and leaving the larger dimension, then crop the excess off the latter (top/bottom or sides) to reduce to the desired 160x120px, still preserving the aspect ratio.

It may be slightly easier to reduce to 165px width or 125px height in the first step to make the cropping to 160x120 easier, without having to start the cursor at the very edge of the picture.

In this way the people pictured won't be stretched to appear so fat or skinny!


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