Malcolm Cadman wrote, on 21/10/2008 10:56:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tony Firshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Marcel Kilgus wrote, on 21/10/2008 09:19:
Malcolm Cadman wrote:

I don't know what has happenned with the Quanta logo image, one of those
odds things that it doesn't open now.  As it was not changed.

Many web servers are case sensitive when it comes to file names. In
this case you refer to the logo as "Quanta.gif" in the HTML, but it
should be "quanta.gif".
Most I suspect are Linux (or Unix) based servers which will be case sensitive.

I found my first ftp client also defaulted to converting filenames to lowercase.

I now *always* use all lowercase - much safer.


Hi Tony,

Yes, you are right ... I am now doing all the file names in lower case.

It is confusing, because it accepts them as "File" ... rather than as "file", and the "File" version automatically looks like "file" on the Unix based Server.
No - 'file' is the actual name of the file on the server. Your ftp client must have converted the case. As I said they often default to that, but it will be configurable.


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